


From 1972 the company KARAGOULAS SA deals with the import and trading of specific building materials.These are the firebricks,the glassblocks and some other decorative bricks. Our development year by year is a result of the qualitive products that we sell and of the support shown to us by our clients-collaborators. Also we have chosen to represent the most powerful companies from several european countries such as France,Germany,Czech Republic,Italy,Spain and many others. The refractory products that we dispose are : -French Firebricks FONTES -Czech Firebricks TRINEC and from other factories. -French Refractory Cement LAFARGE -German Refractory Cement ISTRA Decorative european bricks and tiles in a big variety and for every use. -German glassblocks SOLARIS -Cze…


Country: Greece
Address: Εμπόριο - Εισαγωγές Πυρότουβλων και Υαλότουβλων
Postal Code:
Website: karagoulas.gr


Address: Εμπόριο - Εισαγωγές Πυρότουβλων και Υαλότουβλων Postal Code: Website: karagoulas.gr

Sponsored by: ACRI (The Association of China Refractories Industry), Tangshan YinNaiLian E-Business Co., Ltd.

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